Why would the contractor charge you extra for cleaning your septic tank?

23 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Regular pumping and cleaning of a septic tank increases the lifespan of your septic system in addition to eliminating the foul smell from your home. Usually, pumping and cleaning are recommended for a regular period of about three to five years. Ways of knowing that your septic tank requires cleaning include checking if there are puddles of water above the septic tank, if there is a foul smell coming from the septic tank, if there are pests above the tank or whether the toilets and bathrooms are taking too long to drain. Read More 

Why a Professional Bore Driller Should Dig Your Well

15 October 2018
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

Who would not want a constant supply of water to their homes? Whether it is your home or your property for rent, you should consider getting a constant supply of water for your family and tenants. You can achieve this by drilling a bore in your property. You can drill a bore on your own using some equipment that you can rent.  This will take quite some time since you have no experience and it will need you to be patient. Read More 

The approach taken by air quality consultants on your commercial premises

11 October 2018
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

The quality of air in your premises is more important than you think. Small air pollutants such as dust, foul odours and allergens can affect the health of your workers and customers. Having the air in your premises assessed is an important first step towards achieving clean and healthy air in your business. When you hire a consultant to perform air quality services and assess your property, they will usually follow these 4 steps: Read More 

Aerobic systems: An alternative to a conventional septic system

28 September 2018
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

Many houses are connected to a public sewer pipeline. Residents can flush the toilet, and the wastewater flows into municipal sewers. This is known as mains drainage. However, for homes that are not linked to a public sewer system, homeowners have to make their individual arrangement to treat unprocessed wastewater, and they often rely on septic systems. Although septic tanks are a low-maintenance solution to sewage treatment for some households, they cannot be set up in impermeable soils. Read More 

How to Fully Embrace Renewable Energy at Home

26 September 2018
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

Unless you have your head well and truly stuck in the sand, you have to agree that environmental conditions are changing and that the world seems to be becoming a much warmer place. Experts advise that this process may become irreversible if both governments and individuals do not take more consistent action to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. You may think that you have taken a considerable step forward here to reduce the size of your own carbon footprint by installing solar panels, but in truth, you've only made the first step. Read More